Bed Bug Biology
Bedbugs grow up to a maximum size of 6mm approx. Very flat body unless recently fed. Oval shaped, red-brown colour changing to mahogony after feeding.Reproduction Cycle Egg-Nymph(5 stages)-Adult. The development from egg-adult takes 6-8 weeks. They will live for 6 months at ambient temperatures of around 23 degrees C. and longer in cooler environments. The adult female bed bug once mated will lay 2-3 eggs daily throughout her life.
Importance Bites from bedbugs cause allergic reactions to various levels stemming from the saliva they inject when feeding. This can include minor, short-term itching, disturbed sleep and inflamed skin wheals of 1-2cm subsiding to red spots which can last several days. They are not a known disease carrier.
Our pest control technician treated the frame and surrounding areas (eg, carpets, furniture, skirting boards etc) with a high performance residual insectcide which will kill bed bug adults, eggs and larvae.
In this case the mattress was disposed of because it was old and worn, however we can use our Heat Treatment Bubble to safely treat mattress, divans, clothing, rugs etc all without chemicals.
When you arrange for us to visit and treat for Bed-Bugs, it is important that the affected room(s) are cleared for our initial inspection and then treatments. Your Surveyor will advice specifically, however:
- Bedding - Take it off, bag it up and hot wash or take it to the cleaners accordingly. (Dry cleaners chemicals will kill the insects - let them know they may be present) .Treat curtains nearby the same way. Don't return items to the affected rooms until we've finished treating.
- Bedside tables, cupboards, divan bases etc - Need empyting so we can tfind the pests, throughly and move things around.
- If you have heavy furniture, chances are we'll need a hand moving them.